The Reuters Foundation Fellowships at Oxford offer a practical form of professional assistance to established and mid-career journalists. Its purpose is to allow journalists to tackle subjects in greater depth than is possible under deadline pressure.
Around 25 journalists from around the globe study in Oxford each year on Fellowships of either three, six or nine months, covering one, two or all three terms of the academic year. Fellows may join the Institute in October, January or April.
The Fellowship has three main facets. Firstly, Fellows are expected to produce a substantial piece of work to an academic standard. They are required to complete a 8,000 – 10,000 word research paper of publishable quality either as part of the Institute’s research output or independently (for example, as a survey of an important subject, magazine article or part of a book). Fellows may use multimedia in their work. Fellows have to present their research findings in a seminar open to the University.
Secondly, the Institute organises regular seminars, debates, lectures and study trips. TheRISJ seminar is held weekly during term-time at Green College as is an in-house seminar to which Fellows are expected to read a paper. During Michaelmas (autumn term) and Trinity (summer term) the Reuters Institute also runs a weekly ‘Media and Politics Seminar’ jointly with the eminent political scientist, Dr David Butler, at Nuffield College.
The Institute’s media expertise is also bolstered by the related work of the Oxford Internet Institute (, the Programme in Comparative Media Law and Policy ( and the International Centre for Media and Communications Management, currently being developed by the Saïd Business School. The university also hosts many special events, such as the Oxford Media Convention, that will be of interest to Fellows.
Lastly, each Fellow has an advisor, usually an Oxford academic specialising in the journalists’ chosen subject, to supervise their research. Fellows are encouraged to attend relevant lectures, seminars or classes in the University and to use the Bodleian, one of the world’s great libraries.
There are numerous specialist facilities within the university, such as regional centres for African, Middle Eastern, South Asian, Eastern and Western European, Japanese and Chinese Studies. Fellows can also take advantage of the University’s language laboratory and computer services.
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